sábado, 9 de julho de 2011

Sou uma fêmea relativamente fácil de agradar


3 comentários:

  1. até me parece bem...tirando o chocolate que depois de uma tarde a experimentar calções nos números maiores que haviam na loja uma pessoa começa a repensar a vida...


  2. Chill of the winter bite to the bone and Christmas is drawing near
    Soldiers are freezing, the death toll increasing
    They're dying in their holes
    There's no surrender there's no retreat, the Wehrmacht is drawing near
    There's no reinforcements they're fighting all alone!

  3. Sent from the skies ended up in Bastogne
    As easy, as hard as they get
    Nazi command request and demand
    Offer surrender – declined

    Nuts! The generals word echo clear
    Nuts! The Nazi's shall hear!
